Franciscan Sister Elizabeth Ann Miller reflects on her various roles in Catholic Education at Guardian Angels Central Catholic School, West Point, Nebraska.
Sister Elizabeth Ann Miller
Guardian Angels Central Catholic School, West Point, NE
Teaches 7th and 8th Grade Theology
Supervises high school study halls
Confirmation Coordinator for the School and parish
Religious Education program, Eight grade CCD teacher
Chair of GACC’s Catholic Identity Committee
As I reflect on my 45 years of teaching, I have found such rich blessings. I experienced small farm towns, large cities, forested communities, desert and island living. Along with this came the opportunity to interact with various cultures. Overall, these years I’ve come to appreciate the parents and parish’s deep desire for their children to grow in their faith and benefit from a good solid education. I have found it a privilege to share my faith with thousands of students and instill a love for learning. Realizing I played a part in shaping the future of the Church, parishes, and society, I challenged myself to do my very best. Looking back over these many years, I am happy to hear that a few of my former students chose the path to the Priesthood; or taking on leadership roles in their diocese.
For the last three years, I had the opportunity to travel with the high school students of GACC to Washington D.C. for the March for Life event. It was an honor to be with them and to experience their real faith commitment! I was happy and proud to share in the joyful witness of their faith and love for Jesus and the Eucharist.
I have had the opportunity to meet students I formerly taught in Green Bay and upon my return to West Point. It humbles me to see what role those students are now fulfilling in society and the Church. They have become health care workers, lawyers, business leaders, teachers, engineers, ranchers, and so much more. Returning to West Point, I am now teaching children of the students I taught when I was first here in the early 1990s. These new parents are very involved in the parish, leadership in the community, and school. Our high school administrator is a former student of mine! They are proud and desire to have their children attend Guardian Angels Central Catholic School, which played such a prominent role in their lives.
I stand on the shoulders of our great Sister educators that went before me. What a privilege it has been to be guided by my fellow Sisters with whom I was living and teaching.