Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Sister Marlita Henseler updates us on her new mission assignment in Nogales, Mexico.
At the end of June, I will be leaving my post as Pastoral Leader here at St. Thomas the Apostle in Newton, Wisconsin, after 12 years of ministry. I asked if I might serve in a capacity that could again enhance my Spanish, and also serve a need in the Church. Originally, I had hoped to find an orphanage in Mexico for a year! When that did not fall into place, I did find that at the US-Mexico border there is a Center that assists immigrants who are waiting to come into the USA for asylum (when that can happen!). It is about 1 ½ hrs. south of Tucson, AZ. As many of you know there are many needs for those waiting to enter.
Starting Sept. 1, I will be a volunteer at the Kino Border Initiative Center in Nogales, Mexico, right over the border from Nogales, Az. This Center, about 12 years old, ministers to those stranded immigrants awaiting protection, some for as long as a year or more, as well, as those recently deported from the US. This faith-based organization offers food, clothing, medical assistance, and programs for kids who have spent more than a year without education. There are also some legal services offered through Florence Project to help people better understand their rights. I will live with three Missionaries of the Eucharist, Mexican Sisters who all work at the Center, and another American, a Sister of Providence from Indiana, who is also employed there. As a volunteer, I could be peeling potatoes for a meal served every day to the immigrants, or sorting clothes to share, or do some teaching of children????? That will be the adventure part, as I will find out when I get there. I hope to serve where I can be of most help. Your prayers will be appreciated, that as I minister, I recognize the face of Jesus in all those who arrive there.
Article Comments:
Sr. Sharon Paul, O.S.F. 06/03/2021 @ 6:30 am
Sr. Marlita, God’s choicest blessings to you & thank you for planning to serve at a Center near the Mexican Border. There are many needs in the Church & you will graciously serve, again, God’s loved ones. ENJOY living with several different Communities of Sisters. You are in our prayers! Go forth in love, care and Peace!
Janine Schmelzer Bock 06/03/2021 @ 10:36 pm
Thanks so much to all the sisters as you all serve our communities with compassion in the name of our Lord Jesus most High
Eugene Mailot 06/03/2021 @ 7:18 pm
Sister Marlita So happy for you that in some way your prayers were fullfilled with this new assignment hopefully iit will be a Blessing indisguise and lead to many more Blessings for you and the Centere God be with you and may he give you good health and shower you with many blessings in this new ssignmant. GOD BLESS YOU and the CENTER
Greg & Bobbi Tuma 06/03/2021 @ 8:28 pm
Sister Marlita you are a one in a million! Greg and I will miss you terribly and we will keep you in our prayers daily. If you need anything please reach out to us and we will help if we can. We hope Mexico knows how lucky they are to be getting your help. God Bless you and keep you in the palm of his hand… always!
Charles and Bonnie Heinzem 06/03/2021 @ 9:42 pm
Sister Marlita, Charlie and I will miss you so much. You are beautiful in your faith and so admired. We wish you the best and will pray for you in your endeavor. Stay safe and thank you for all you did for the good people of St. Thomas the Apostle. You made us strong in our Faith. Thank you.
Sister Carla Riach 06/06/2021 @ 3:42 pm
Sister Marlita, I am excited for you . The kin border Institute has been a God-send for those migrating to the US. And you will not be far from Tucson so we can get together now and then.