Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Sister Renee Mirkes reflects on the global roots that are branching out from Saint Paul VI Institute Conferences.
The Omaha Doubletree became a mini-UN as the Saint Paul VI Institute launched Phase II of our eight day conference for healthcare professionals training in the women’s health science of NaProTechnology (natural procreative technology). The 86 participants hailed from 26 foreign countries and 20 states in the U.S. of A.
I thought you’d enjoy seeing the beautiful faces of some of the delegations from across the Atlantic and Pacific: picture 1: from South Korea; picture 2 from Spain and Mexico and picture 3 from Hungary, France and Portugal. Since English is the new lingua franca used routinely in medical/scientific conferences, these stellar participants not only wrestled with lectures delivered in a language outside their native tongue, but also fought jet lag (some with a 15-hour time change)! Simply inspirational. The American and International students were absolutely united in their strong desire to deliver OB/Gyn healthcare and family planning that are women-, family-, and society-friendly.