In joy we welcome Sister Catherine Peter Logan as a member of the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity! We celebrated the Rite of Initiation into Religious Life on June 9, 2022. Community Director Sister Natalie Binversie shares her comments given during the ceremony in St. Mary’s Chapel at our Motherhouse in Manitowoc, Wisconsin.
Sister Catherine Peter, welcome as a member of the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity. Sister Catherine Peter, the name you have been given has great significance for you. Catherine was the name given to you by your parents. As Catherine, God called you by name to discern Consecrated Life. Your patron Saint, Saint Catherine of Sienna is an example for you of a woman who surrendered and committed her life to Christ. Peter was chosen as part of your name because Peter is an example of what it means to be real in relationship with Jesus. Peter persevered over time to bring together his zeal of love and humility to openness and courage to go forth and spread the Word of God, the Gospel.
The title you chose is Bridge-Builder: By the Light of the Holy Cross and Word. Bridge-Builder is a name that God placed on your heart in prayer after arriving here to enter the Postulancy. The title continues to speak to you in your prayer and it will call you forth to live this reality as a member of the Community. It is appropriate that you will celebrate your title on June 29th, the Feast of the Apostles Saint Peter and Saint Paul.
In your letter asking to be received into the Novitiate, you stated that God has been with you on this journey through the joys and challenges in your time of transition. You have appreciated the example of the Sisters and Ministry partners in how God has worked and continues to work through each person’s life. You recognize that God has given you gifts and talents that will be brought to fruition through life in our Community. During the time of Novitiate, active ministry is put aside. You will learn the essential elements of Religious Life. Your day will focus on prayer, deepening your relationship with Jesus; the study of Franciscan Spirituality and Community Life and the application to our life as a Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity.
Sister Catherine Peter, please be assured of the prayers and support of all your Sisters. In a few minutes, please listen carefully to the words we will pray for you after the Our Father. We walk this journey of Formation with you. Always remember that God is with us, every step of the way!
God bless you!
Article Comments:
Deacon Ray DuBois 06/09/2022 @ 11:55 pm
Onward and upward! Wishing you prayers and blessings as you move along on your journey!
Dianne Vadney 06/10/2022 @ 7:08 am
Congratulations Sr. Catherine Peter! Thank you for your steadfast following of God’s call in your life. What a beautiful gift to be a bridge-builder in a world that needs new help in getting over the chasms in their lives so that they may grow closer to God. May the Holy Spirit guide and inspire you!
Sister Sharon Paul, O.S.F. 06/10/2022 @ 12:40 pm
CONGRATULATIONS to you, Sr. Catherine Peter & WELCOME aboard! The Lord & His blessed Mother continue to guide you every step of your journey.