Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity Sister Jane Kinate was invited by Amanda Matczynski, Site Advisory Council Chair at St. John Paul II Classical School, Green Bay, Wisconsin, to witness among the students for a recent Virtue Walk. Amanda was one of Sister Jane’s students at Roncalli High School, Manitowoc, Wisconsin. Sister Theresa Feldkamp, Sister Leonette Kochan and Sister Julie Ann Sheahan also happily volunteered to come for the day.
After a Morning Mass at St. Philip Church, we joined teachers and students in a Eucharistic Procession. The Virtue Walk included Father Mark Mleziva, Vocation Director of the Diocese of Green Bay, who led the procession carrying Jesus present in the form of a consecrated host placed within a golden monstrance, a real sign that this was a special pilgrimage. Each class carried a banner with a specific virtue e.g. First Grade was assigned a ‘hope’ banner. The students sang with reverence and fervor Eucharistic and Marian Hymns as we walked the public streets witnessing our faith and love for the Blessed Sacrament.
When reaching St. Philip Park playground, grades Early Childhood to Second Grade broke off and enjoyed a snack and recess. Teachers took this time to also introduce the volunteers more formally to the students. Older students continued the procession back to St. Philip Church where they had Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament inside the Church.
Next on the schedule, High School Students from Chesterton Academy of St. John Paul II Classical School led all the students from Early Childhood to 8th grade in organized games. Students moved quickly through relays keeping warm in the Fall temperatures. In the course of the morning’s activities, Headmaster Mr. Patrick McKeown and Mr. Gary Guevara offered to give us a tour of the school. Sister Leonette, who had previously taught in the building when it was St. Philip Catholic School, was quick to notice changes and relayed stories from the past. (Photos: compliments of Sister Mariella Erdmann’s niece, Jessica DeFrank)
Article Comments:
Sister Anne Marie Lom 10/23/2022 @ 7:44 pm
What a great activity to share with all those students… and thank you for sharing it with all of us!