Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Sister Lorna Zemke was recently recognized by the Organization of American Kodaly Educators (OAKE). Sister Carol Ann Gambsky, Administrator of Holy Family Conservatory, Manitowoc, Wisconsin, reflects on these memories that Sister Lorna continues to relive.
The Organization of American Kodaly Educators (OAKE) held their National Conference in the last months at the Palmer Hilton Hotel Chicago IL. Sister Lorna Zemke and Sister Carol Ann Gambsky were among the 800 attendees at the Conference. Matt Hanne, Chair of the 50th Anniversary Celebration Task Force for the Organization of American Kodaly Educators (OAKE) invited Sister Lorna to share her reflections of the first conference that was held fifty years ago.
In addition, Matt sent this letter to Sister Lorna announcing she along with two other recipients would be recognized with the Golden Acorn award. He wrote, “…On behalf of the 50th Anniversary Celebration Task Force and the Organization of American Kodaly Educators, I am pleased to share that we are recognizing you with the Golden Acorn award. This award honors your significant foresight and contributions to OAKE as the co-chair of the very first OAKE National Conference in 1973. Thanks to your work, as well as the work of Stephen Jay, the vision of communication and cooperation between teachers interested in the Kodaly concept of music education found a sure footing that has allowed it to grow for 50 years…”
The Golden Acorn necklace symbolizes the growth of OAKE from a small select number of music educators to one of the largest Kodaly organizations in the world.
Sister Lorna was co-chair of the Founding Conference of the Organization of American Kodaly Educators (OAKE) fifty years ago in 1973. She was involved in the founding of OAKE, as well as the International Kodaly Society (IKS), the Midwest Kodaly Music Educators of America (MKMEA) and the state Association of Wisconsin Area Kodaly Educators (AWAKE). Sister Lorna also served as a past President of OAKE.