Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Community Director Sister Natalie Binversie congratulates our Sisters celebrating 50 and 75 year anniversaries of living Consecrated Life. Sister Carol Seidl, Sister Carolee Vanness and Sister Theresa Feldkamp are golden jubilarians. Sister Aurelia Hanousek marks 75 years of vowed life.
Good morning, Jubilarians, Sisters, Chaplains and Guests! We gather in joy, this morning, to celebrate with our Sister Jubilarians!
Congratulations, Sister Aurelia Hanousek on the 75th Anniversary of your Profession of Vows! We also remember, the members of your crowd, The Lovers of the Crucified, who have departed this life and have gone to their heavenly dwelling place: Sister Lambert Heezen (1996), Sister Mary de Sales Hoffmann (2004), Sister Lucia Antone (2007), Sister Clare Wegmann (2011), Sister Anna Tisler (2013), Sister Florence Piotrzkowski (2017), Sister Francine Goodman (2019) and Sister Carol Steifvater (2021).
Echoes of Unity, Sister Carol Seidl, Sister Carolee Vanness and Sister Theresa Feldkamp, Congratulations on your 50th Anniversary of the Profession of the Evangelical Counsels of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience. You have in mind and heart, this day, Sister Paula Rae Rose (1997), a member of your crowd whom God called home 27 years ago, to join the Communion of Saints. We believe that she is very much with us as she intercedes for you and the whole Community.
The Feast of Pentecost, is a wonderful time to celebrate a Jubilee! It is a time to remember our initial fervor in answering God’s call to be a Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity. The Scripture readings for the Liturgy of the Word are filled with images and words of promise, fulfillment and encouragement for the future. We hear, that out of fear, the Disciples locked themselves in an upper room. Then Jesus came and said, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.”
Jubilarians, over the years living in Community, you have grown and have left behind earlier fears and illusions that came into your life. You can embrace with confidence “the Fruit of the Spirit” that has grown and deepened in your life: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. As Jesus told the Disciples, He told us and continues to tell us today that He has much more to tell us. Jesus continually sends out The Spirit of Truth, who will guide us to all Truth, to renew the face of the earth! May you be filled with the Breath of the Holy Spirit, and come to know fully His peace and truth in your life.
In the name of all the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity, Congratulations! Enjoy this day of celebration with your family and friends.
Article Comments:
gene mailot 05/19/2024 @ 6:50 pm
CONGRATULATIONS to all the jubilarians especially Sisters Carolee and Sister Theresa whom I remember when they were at our Parish St Benedict’s Cambridge Ohio now Christ our light Parish Two very special sisters God Bless them and all of the Franciscan Sisters
Gene Mailot
Liz Brislen 05/19/2024 @ 9:29 pm
Thank you Sr. Theresa for your life long service and especially your time at St. Benedict. Blessings be upon you!