Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity were blessed to be a special stop on the Marian Route of the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage. With St. Francis of Assisi we prayed: “We adore You, O Lord Jesus Christ, in this Church and all the Churches of the world, and we bless You, because, by Your holy Cross You have redeemed the world. Amen.”
We share comments by our Sisters on this privileged visit by our Lord.
“For the past year I have been participating in the Zoom Prayer Partner Nights of Intercession for the Eucharistic Congress which occurs on the 3rd Thursday of every month at 8:00 p.m. It has been a joy and a privilege to be present with others who are praying for the Pilgrimage. I feel I have been a small part since I won’t be attending, but praying is my donation.
Since we are being blessed with Adoration and Benediction today at our Motherhouse as part of the Eucharistic Pilgrimage, I am grateful for the time I was able to continue to pray for everyone involved in the Pilgrimage and Congress.” – Sister Mary Francis Maher
“I give thanks to God for allowing me and our Community to share in such a meaningful Adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.” – Sister Mary Kaye Winkler
“God’s presence was profound as we sang, prayed together, and heard the bells and birds. God spoke in the silence of the community together. What a glorious day both inside and outside!” -Sister Kay Klackner
“As the Archivist for our Community, it was especially moving to see banners painted by our Sisters over 100 years ago with Eucharistic images waving in the sunshine and gentle breeze, the sounds of the convent bells ringing through the trees and up the stairs through our St. Francis chapel and then adoration. It was such a moving experience seeing our Sisters processing behind the Eucharist on such a gorgeous day. The presence of God and St. Francis in all creation could be felt rejoicing and praising with us all the way. We are so grateful for this experience! Jesus is always with us!!”- Sister Caritas Strodthoff
I was happy I could participate in the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage when it came to our Holy Family Convent in Manitowoc, WI. It was a blessing to have our Community be a part of this nationwide effort to revitalize our love and devotion of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. As we processed from the hill top of our property to the Motherhouse I thought of our foundresses and our history as a community. I prayed to God for special blessings on our Community as we look to the future, for blessings on my family and for God’s guidance for the leaders of our country and the world. The quiet time in chapel before the Blessed Sacrament was a unifying experience as I sensed all the other Sisters of our Community praying and adoring our Spouse Jesus Christ. May the blessings of this event remain in my heart. – Sister Mary Ann Tupy