Franciscan Sister at Junipero Serra Route of Eucharistic Pilgrimage in Ogallala, Nebraska

Sister JulieAnn Sheahan

June 21, 2024

Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Sister Rochelle Kerkhof reflects on the experience of the Junipero Serra Route of the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage as celebrated in Ogallala, Nebraska. Photo: Cbl62, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

St. Junipero Serra Route Pilgrims started accompanying the Blessed Sacrament at the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco entering the Lincoln Diocese in Ogallala, NE on June 14. Sister Rochelle and three parishioners attended the Most Holy Mass at St. Luke Church with a robust congregation of believers from many areas of the Grant Deanery and other nearby states. 

After Benediction, a young mother, who was in a wheelchair being pushed by her husband, her children and grandparents, approached the Eucharist together and prayed silently for a cure.  As they prayed silently and circled in prayer touching her, many people in the group came to touch the family and prayed for her.  All remained in silence for a long time.  Eventually, the monstrance was needed for going to the next stop and people began to leave.  As that was happening, one of the priests told those walking six miles to Roscoe that he would be lagging behind the group in order that, anyone wished to go to Confession, could come walking with him and receive the grace of Confession. The spiritual witnessing of God’s Holy Spirit and Jesus’ presence was palatable.  Praise God!




Article Comments:

SIster Caritas Strodthoff 06/21/2024 @ 9:27 am

Oh, Sister Rochelle, Bless you for sharing. How marvelous it is that you could participate in such a historic event!! and share in this Eucharistic event that is so much at the heart of our love and joy as religious. This is so powerful!! Bless you, Sister Caritas


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