As we prepare for the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity feature the Song of Our Lady of Guadalupe (Saddened Eyes Seem to Brighten) performed by Glenn deCastro and composed by Willard Jabusch. (Permission obtained from One License with license #A-722498. All rights reserved.) To celebrate the feast, we share images taken at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe Des Plaines, Illinois. It’s not too late to make a decision to enter into the festivities and honor Mary’s Son Jesus wherever you are.
Saddened eyes seem to brighten when they see you, weary hearts are made new by your beauty.
For the humble a rare and precious treasure, O Maria, dark-skinned mother of the poor.
Lovely lady we call “Guadalupe.”
Thousands pray as they say “Guadalupe.”
Intercede with your Son for all your people,
O Maria, dark-skinned mother of the poor.
In the folds of your mantle, “La Morena,” warm the poorest of all of your children with your love, with your hope, with your compassion,
O Maria, dark-skinned mother of the poor. Lovely lady we call “Guadalupe.”
Thousands pray as they say “Guadalupe.”
Like a rose that will bloom in mid-December. O Maria, dark-skinned mother of the poor.
Sun and moon form a setting for your beauty, yet how simple and modest your image;
Rough the blanket yet bright are all the colors, O Maria, dark-skinned mother of the poor.
Lovely lady we call “Guadalupe.” Thousands pray as they say “Guadalupe.”
You were chosen by God before all others, O Maria, dark-skinned mother of the poor.
About Glenn deCastro
I’m Glenn deCastro, and I am blessed to serve as Director of Music Ministries at Saint Juliana, Chicago, Illinois. It is my twenty sixth year as a director of music, having ministered for parishes in St. Louis and Chicagoland. In terms of music, I am mainly self-taught. However, in terms of formalized education, I attended Saint Albert Grammar School and St. Laurence High School, both in Burbank; Northern Illinois University in DeKalb; St. Louis University and Logan University of Health Sciences in St. Louis, having earned Doctorate Degrees. I have a deep interest in health and wellness, psychology, nutrition, and kinesiology but my passion is—and has always been—music and its role in the Catholic liturgy. In my recent years as a music minister, I thought of myself simply as “God’s DJ.” I have since come to realize that there is much more involved in my ministry than merely creating music. The various facets of my ministry include the roles of teacher, mentor, counselor, consoler, recruiter, coach, video producer, sound engineer, motivational speaker…and everything in between. And I absolutely love it!
I just love God and I love music – and I love helping people of all ages give Glory to God through music. It’s the least I can do. From John Henry Cardinal Newman, “Let them look up and see no longer me, but only Jesus.”
Youtube: Glenn DeCastro – YouTube
Article Comments:
Sister Anne Marie Lom 12/11/2022 @ 7:27 pm
What a beautiful song and meditation for the Feast! I hope to share this with many others who love Mary as depicted , Our Lady of Guadalupe. Thank you!
Fr. Placid Stroik, OFM 12/17/2022 @ 11:17 pm
Our Lady of Guadalupe allowed, helping us to allow God who have God’s way with us. Pray for us, my Lady.