Sr. Concepción Medina First Profession Homily by Fr. Hilary Franciscan

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October 05, 2020

During this month of Francis, Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity share Assumption Province of Order of Friars Minor Father Hilary Brzezinkski’s homily on Sister Concepción Medina’s First Profession. Sister Concepción Medina is from Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in Midland,Texas.

 St. Francis of Assisi was a man of influence. He is remembered for who he was, not just for what he did. This message is timely during our own day. Fr. Hilary is serving in campus ministry at Viteribo University, Lacrosse, Wisconsin.

Comments from Community Director Sister Natalie Binversie on First Profession Day: “We have come together today to celebrate God’s Love! Sister Concepción, that is the title you chose when you were received two years ago, a title that you have aspired to live. When you wrote to me, asking permission to profess your First Vows as a Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity, you wrote that God called you to this life of Consecration out of love. His grace led you through the Novitiate and in your words, “His gifts never stop.” Your relationship with Our Lord is a priority in your life. This supports your sincere desire to respond to God’s call to serve Him. During your time of Novitiate, you discovered a love that has caused you to pause and take note. It has been a love that has given so much, a love that has exceeded your expectation. Following the advice of Saint Gemma Galgani, you have had challenges and sufferings, which you joined to the sufferings of Jesus and the Cross that He bore. Jesus is teaching you to love as He loved, with compassion and in mercy.” God Calls You. We Invite You. Dios te llama. Te invitamos. Hermanas Franciscanas de la Caridad Cristiana Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity.”  Click here for discernment opportunities:

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