Sister Patricia Linssen, OSF
Sister Patricia Linssen reflects on her call to be a Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity.
Hometown: Green Bay, Wisconsin
Each of us Jubilarians answered Jesus’ call to follow Him many years ago and today we have the opportunity to thank Him for His graces and to renew our vowed commitment.
I was blessed to have loving parents, Richard and Margaret Linssen. I was the second child, with an older brother and a younger sister and a younger brother. My father died when we were young, so our dear mother raised us. She worked hard to support us and to have us live in a Catholic atmosphere. We belonged to St. Philip Parish in Green Bay and we went to grade school there. Our extended family was a great support to us, especially our grandparents.
I was privileged to have our Sisters through all my grade school years. Sister Jolyce Buttres, our principal, and Sister Mary Agatha Micke, my 8th grade teacher, were especially influential in my responding to Jesus’ call to become a religious. Msgr. Theodore VerBeten, our pastor at the time, frequently asked us students to consider priesthood or religious life. My mother allowed me to enter the Convent after 8th grade and supported me all these years.
From freshman year on at the Convent, I have been blessed to live, learn, and serve with many wonderful Community members. At Reception I received the name Sister Mary Irene, after my mother’s middle name. Then, in the later 1960’s, when we had the option, I returned to my baptismal name.
Our Community has benefitted us tremendously in our formation and our education opportunities. Over the years I have been privileged to serve in various apostolates – education, formation, healthcare and Community administration. I have met and worked with many outstanding people. God bless them all!
As I celebrate this Diamond Jubilee I am so grateful for all the graces and blessings I have received from our loving God during these years, especially the grace to draw closer to our Lord and to remain faithful to my vowed commitment.
In the years ahead, I hold on to what Jesus said, “Behold, I am with you always.”