The seven Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity serving at St. Peter Mission School will share their lives among the Gila River community, “nestled beneath a beautiful blue desert sky, amid breath-taking sunrises and warm golden sunsets.”
This homily on the Gospel of Matthew by Saint John Chrysostom, respected Doctor of the Church, is a reflection of the Franciscan life in this desert place.
Do you want to honor Christ’s body? Then do not scorn him in his nakedness, nor honor him here in the church with silken garments while neglecting him outside where he is cold and naked. For he who said: ‘This is my body’, and made it so by his words also said: ‘You saw me hungry and did not feed me, and inasmuch as you did not do it for one of these, the least of my brothers, you did not do it for me.’ What we do here in the church requires a pure heart, not special garments; what we do outside requires great dedication.