In the book Francis of Assisi: the Saint Early Documents Volume 1, Thomas Celano in his Life of Saint Francis written between 1228-1229 includes a chapter entitled “The Miracles of Saint Francis”. The importance of ordinary citizens from Foligno, the district of Narni, Fano, Gubbio, Montenero, etc whose healing accounts fill this biographical segment are of importance in St. Francis’ canonization process in the Roman Catholic Church. Each story is memorable. Each story includes some kind of personal touch from Francis or from things attributed to him. Each story recognizes Francis as a prayerful man.
Recently in West Point, NE, Sister Laura Wolf, OSF, CEO of Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity HealthCare Ministry Inc. and her staff distributed the book Healing with Heart Inspirations for Health Care Professionals, Re-ignite your passion for your work by Martin Helldorfer, D.Min. and Terri Moss to leadership of all the community’s healthcare sponsored institutions. The dedication page of this book seems to mirror the Franciscan perspective of human touch and the need for time in personal reflection:
Dedicated to those who…are the hidden saints, who inspire us….risk all, in order to excel in patient care….find protected time for reflection in the midst of busy days…are, above all, a healing presence to patients and caregivers alike. Thank You.
Take time to call to mind people in your life in need of Jesus’ healing. Are you called to be an instrument of healing in the lives of others?