This was one of the questions posed by St. Mary Central High School, Menasha, WI students to Father Thomas Long, Diocese of Green Bay vocation director and other women religious representing the Racine Dominicans, School Sisters of Notre Dame, Elm Grove, WI, and the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity, Manitowoc, WI. on Wednesday, November 19, 2008.
Faculty member, Karen Fahley invited the guests to introduce themselves and answer the students’ prepared and spontaneous questions during religion classes. A music-PowerPoint prayer began each session. The song and images highlighted all of the vocations-marriage, single life, priesthood and religious life.
Here are a few more student sample questions. You are invited to answer these questions, add your own or just comment from your own heart based on your life experience. Notice most questions could be answered from any one of the vocation perspectives.
- What was the experience in your life that you felt God’s presence with you the most?
- What made you decide to become who you are?
- Is it worth it?
- Do you ever regret the life you chose because of what you had to give up?
- How could you do that? Did you feel the vocation inside before the decision?
- Do you get lonely?
- What do you enjoy most?
- What is the coolest place you have traveled?
- How much money do you make?
- Is there anything you feel you missed out on?
- Why a priest instead of a deacon?
- Is your faith in God ever swayed?
- What other careers did you consider?
- Did you ever want to be married?
- Is it bad for you to have fun sometimes?
- What freedoms do you wish you could have back?
- What was the one thing that made your decision clear to follow Christ and the Church?
Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Sister Rochelle Kerkof, OSF, is principal of St. Mary Central High School. Michael Sullivan is president of Twin Cities Catholic Educational System.