Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Sister Marie Kolbe Zamora, OSF ,studying for her doctorate at the Gregorian in Rome, Italy, sent this message to her Sisters in the United States:
Here is a picture of my meeting the Pope that I thought that I would share with all of you. The fact that I was able to greet him personally was a total surprise, making the entire event all that much more of a gift…
I participated in a three day Conference of the Life and Papacy of Pius XII (November 6-8, 2008). The last day was an audience with the Holy Father, who, in effect, closed the conference with his discourse…
The Rector of our (Gregorian) University, Father Ghirlanda, chose me at the last moment to represent the students…
Father Ghirlanda is the Jesuit presenting me to the Holy Father…the Pope asked me what I was working on. He was pleased when I said “Bonaventure,” given his own work in the same area. Know that I bring you all everywhere-including to this encounter! Pax.
Since all Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity include not only each other, but also all those whose lives they touch (including internet friends) when they pray, please be assured of remembrance to God at all times, in various places and in a variety of encounters.
Pope Pius XII and St. Bonaventure pray for us.