On the Road Inspirations: Fill’er Up

Paul Keggington

March 08, 2009

The Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity Vocation Directors img_5046.jpgoffer the third of a series of On the Road Inspirations’ gleaned from their experiences. Sharings from other travelers are welcome.

Francis: Therefore, hold back nothing of yourselves for yourselves so that He Who gives Himself totally to you may receive you totally.

Fill’er Up (AKA Lots of Questions) Scenario

Running on empty?

Did you notice that you are totally drained of your energy sources? (or did it come as a surprise?)

Do you have a strategic place that you normally go to be renewed or to get your life moving? 

img_5334.jpgWho do you find at this safe place?

Tracey, an attendant at a service station in northwest Wisconsin notices when others have not been through lately. She is interested in where her customers are going, and is not afraid to pull out a map to help travelers get closer to their destination.

Do you have such people in your life? (or do you ignore safe places and people because you are too busy? so furiously independent that you often feel that you are doing fine on your own and later find yourself cold, stranded and alone?)

Does worry consume you? (or do you focus only on your own needs and miss what is happening in the lives of those who care about you or in other companions on the road of life?)

St. Francis confidantes: Brother Leo, Clare, Bishop Guido, Lady Jacoba, etc.

St. Francis’ Renewing Places: San Damiano, Greccio, La Verna, ‘On the Road’, Mount Sabasio caves, etc.

St. Clare’s Confidantes: St. Francis, Blessed Agnes of Praque, Mother and Sisters who became Poor Clares, etc.

St. Clare’s Renewing  Places: San Damiano, outdoors in creation, among the poor, with the friars, her own cell, etc.

Who are your confidantes? Where are your strategic stops to be renewed?

Please add any other of St. Francis’ and St. Clare’s spiritual companions or places that gave them comfort. Any other thoughts on ‘fill’er up’?

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