Discover Duomo on Annual ‘Green Bay Day’ in Italy

Paul Keggington

May 05, 2009

img_2334.JPGFranciscan Sister of Christian Charity Sister Marie Kolbe Zamora, OSF, shares a  photo-log of ‘Green Bay Day‘, an Italy get-together of people having connections with the Diocese of Green Bay, WI  that are presently living in Rome.  Msgr. John Dewane, one of the spiritual directors for priests studying in the Vatican City, is a key player in the yearly planning. Bill Brunner and Brian Romporti, seminarians attending the North American College, also participated in the 2009 event.

img_2365.JPGHere are the pictures that I took yesterday on our annual diocesan outing. God bless Msgr. Dewane for being the “behind the scenes” mover for this day. When I taught high school, I had a poster of the facade of this duomo in the back of my classroom – put it there on purpose so that I could have something beautiful to look at all day as I taught. I was beyond astonished to discover the Duomo for real when I first came to Italy in 2004 – was lovely “welcome to Italy” for me.


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