Filmed on location at southside Santa Cruz Parish and an over 200 year old San Xavier Mission in Tucson, AZ, this podcast series tells the story of the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity service among the people of God in two Catholic communities of faith. Come immerse yourself in the lives of Sister Carla Riach, OSF, Sister Delores Vogt, OSF, Sister Ellen Pachmayer, OSF, Sister Leonette Kochan, OSF, Sister Maria Goretti Scandaliato, OSF, and Sister Mary Gabriel Van Dreel, OSF.
Realize the Franciscan Sisters’ collaboration with Bishop Gerald Kicanas of the Diocese of Tucson, Franciscan Friars of the Santa Barbara Province, Christian Brothers serving at San Miguel High School, Principal Mrs. Shirley Kalinowski and other faculty and staff members of two Roman Catholic Diocese of Tucson elementary schools, young people enrolled in Notre Dame University’s Alliance for Catholic Education Program, and of course the families and leaders of these two parish communities including the broader Tohono O’odham Reservation. This is a story waiting to be told.
View all four podcasts on youtube. Recent video activity will be exchanged and highlighted throughout this month. And the Sisters have promised to share their daily lives as it happens.
Any thoughts you would like to share?