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A Founders’ Day Program is tradition to the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity. This year Sister Pamela Catherine Peasel, OSF, built her script around the ‘Cornerstones of Life’ and invited the Novitiate Community of Sisters to assist her in presenting a 140 year old ‘blast from the past’. To include ‘Cornerstones’ in the title of the program was an already endearing choice of words since it is a term used figuratively in the Community’s Constitututions to describe the charism or spirit of the Congregation.
Here are a few passages of the November 9, 2009 evening presentation:
143 years ago on June 5, 1866, Theresa Gramlich left her home in St. Nazianz to work in Clarks Mills. In a matter of three years, on November 9, 1869 Theresa Gramlich, along with four other companions were received into the novitiate, this marking our very beginning as a religious community, the founding of the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity…Theresa Gramlich is considered the “foundation stone on which approximately 2034 women have worked to build a religious community which has far-reaching effects in the Church.” It is through this foundation stone that this community has grown and blossomed through the years multiplying into the many different cornerstones that make up our life…
Don’t worry, we checked the annals and nowhere does it state that a building can have too many cornerstones.
140 years…WOW..140 years…there is a good piece of history that has occurred in that time span. Many changes took place not only in the world, but even in our very backyard.
Not only has our community experienced many firsts throughout the years, there is also a wealth of wisdom and may we now share with you some thoughts of our Sisters from years past…
Any remembrances of Founders’ Day Programs present or past that you continue to replay in your memory?