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Peace and all good this Blessed Christmas from all the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity. Like St. Francis’ prayers on the night of the first Greccio Nativity enactment, our heart-felt prayers for you and your loved ones are ones of joyful exultation.
Finally, the day of joy has drawn near, the time of exultation has come. From many different places the Sisters have been called. As they could, the women of that land with exultant hearts prepare candles and torches to light up that night whose shining star has enlightened every day and year…our Lord Jesus Christ gave Himself for us with supreme and indescribable love, who lives and rules with the Father and the Holy Spirt as God, eternally glorious forever and ever. Amen. Alleluia, Alleluia. (adapted from I Celano, Chapter XXX)
What words or thoughts come to mind when you contemplate the deeper meaning of Christmas?