When people in the pews of a number of Manitowoc congregations and a religious community (Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity) unite to answer a real need, this is an earth-shaking alliance. Lakeshore Interfaith Hospitality Network of Manitowoc County (LIHN) was born when individuals discovered that there was no homeless shelter for families other than those who are victims of domestic violence.
LIHN began utilizing trained volunteers and space in congregations throughout the county to provide overnight accommodations, three meals per day, and hospitality to up to 14 guests in the program at one time.
This week the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity are housing people in one of their guest houses on their Motherhouse property. Guests arrived on Sunday, February 7 and are scheduled to stay until Sunday, February 14 when they will move to another congregational site for lodging if services continue to be needed.
During the day, guests reside at a Day Center located in the city of Manitowoc. From there, they are able to work, attend school and/or look for work, housing and other community resources which will help them get back on their feet.
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