Being Franciscan means speaking on behalf of the voiceless. Franciscans International is one way that the brothers and sisters influence decision makers on behalf of the most vulnerable at the U.N. and other international organizations. Heather Metcalfe, FI’s New York director of development in fund raising and awareness raising, visited the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity on March 3, 2010 to gain their continued support and to share the good news.
Heather (also founder/executive director of Arfully Forgotten which raises awareness and funds for Rwandan orphans, Afghan women and children, and the Orthopedic Workshop Physiotherapy Center in Maimana, Afghanistan), announced Franciscans International’s calendar of upcoming workshops and activities.
In response to the requests of the Franciscan brothers and sisters throughout the world, Franciscan International’s accomplishes its work through:
- Facilitating discussion between Franciscans and States on issues of peace, creation, and human rights
- Animating and informing Franciscans and our grassroots partners on issues of importance through seminars and publications
- Researching and closely following development, human rights, and peacemaking issues at the United Nations in both New York and Geneva, Switzerland
The U.S. is up for a review in the area of human rights to the U.N. Do you have any concerns for the vulnerable in our country?