Celebrating St. Francis’s Feast Day through October, the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity, in concert with Franciscans International and gifted musical artists Eric Anderson, James Hall, Choirs of Annunciation of the Mother of God Byzantine Catholic Church (Homer Glen, IL), Tommy James, Daniel Martin Moore, Sue Bruk, Mark Kolter (Kolter Creative Counsel) and Tanner-Monagle present ‘Streaming Songs of Peace’.
Franciscans International
Franciscans International works at the UN and international organizations to influence decision makers on behalf of the most vulnerable.
It was William Shakespeare who extolled the virtue of music in prose, but St Francis who demonstrated in his daily life how music permeating to the deepest level of our being, can unite us with the Divine. I vividly remember the awful experience of going into a school playground in rural Africa where the children were too weak from hunger to play. One week after we commenced a feeding programme I arrived at the same playground to hear the children singing as they played – it was the most joyous music I have ever heard!
Franciscans International is delighted to support the initiative of ‘Streaming Songs of Peace’ which the Franciscan Sisters of Charity are running throughout October. It is a wonderful way to highlight the spontaneous spirit of St. Francis, who burst into song and dance because of the joy of knowing God loved him uniquely. I believe the emphasis that Francis put on peace, arose out of that desire to live in union with God, which extended to everyone he met and to the created world around him. FI encourages you to get involved with the ‘Streaming Songs of Peace’ as a positive means of sharing and radiating peace and joy in our troubled world today…….
–Sr. Denise Boyle fmdm, Executive Director FI.
Website: http://www.franciscansinternational.org/
Streaming Songs of Peace
There is An Answer by James Hall
Comment from James
On writing this song I thought of my favorite songs of all time, and how simple they are, some of them like six lines of lyric. A simple idea or simple thought is easy for me to remember and sing along. More importantly I wanted to tell the truth. A lot of questions in life, but most of my peace is sponsored by the trust that there is an answer, even if I don’t know what that answer is.
I hope that offers some insight into a process that I don’t fully understand myself… (photo: John Beebe)
I Shall Go Unbounded by Eric Andersen
Comments from Eric
I wrote this waiting for a subway uptown from the West Fourth St. station about 4 AM February 1964. I hummed the tune on the empty platform and could almost see the lyrics appear on the dirty white tile walls. This is the same Village subway station where William Burroughs starts his book ‘Naked Lunch,’ where he jumps over the turnstiles to escape ‘the heat.’
Years later in Italy I visited important places of St. Francis’ life, including Assisi and the monastery in Greccio north of Rome where he first staged the first Christmas tableau of Jesus’ birth featuring a stable crèche which included real animals and people. My friend who later died took me there. His name was also Francesco.
By the Waters of Babylon Performed by Annunciation of the Mother of God Byzantine Catholic Church Choirs
Read about the history of two congregations of faith formerly St. Mary Assumption in Joliet, Illinois and St. Mary in Chicago and Oak Lawn, IL uniting to form Annunciation of the Mother of God Byzantine Catholic Parish in Joliet, IL.
Learn about the beauty of icons present in their worship space. Visit them in person when you are passing by this area of the country.
Crystal Blue Persuasion by Tommy James
Comment from Tommy
“Crystal Blue Persuasion” is my personal favorite of all our hits. Whenever I hear it, I immediately think of that magic summer of 1969 – but more importantly, it was the point in my life when I became a Christian, which is what the song is about. Political correctness hadn’t been invented yet and it was perfectly fine to write about your feelings. Thank God.
The Old Measure by Daniel Martin Moore
Comment from Daniel
“i have read by my own dim light
and of these matters at hand
i recount to you
what truths i can”
Let’s Get Together by Paul Brady
Comment from Paul
I always loved the song ‘Get Together’ and was pleased to be asked to sing it on the Bleecker St compilation.
I feel that separation is at the heart of a lot of the problems of mankind and that fear is the main obstacle to closeness between people.
The song expresses that very well and I recommend it to all who see music as a positive and unifying force in the world.
Peace and All Good (Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity) [audio: fscc.mp3]
Sung by Sue Bruk, written by Mark Kolter, with Tanner-Monagle for Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity, ‘Peace and All Good’s’ lyrics- ‘called to be’- and reflective arrangement are an invitation to follow your call from God and find peace in yourself, in others and in the world around you.
We invite young women to consider our Franciscan way of life by experiencing our discernment retreats. Click here for more information.