On this World Day of Prayer for the Sick, Franciscan Sister Delores Wisnicky shares a recent experience of St. Mary/St. Michael Parish Catholic School (Clarks Mills, WI) youth visiting area elderly and homebound.

Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Sister Delores Wisnicky and young people from St. Mary/St. Michael Catholic School, Clarks Mills, WI, are aware of the sick and suffering in their midst.
Recently, Grades 5-8 went to homes of our homebound and elderly. We visited 10 places. All were gracious to receive us. Each group of 4 students plus an adult or two had two stops to make. We left at 9:30a.m. and returned by noon. We visited and played 3-13 with the people. I was with a group as well. In our group we also prayed with them and gave them Holy Communion. They love to receive Jesus.
The students were so good with the people. I loved watching the acceptance and great care they showed. The people were precious. Some had candy for us, some cookies or cake, one crocheted hangers for the kids, one gave them a candle to take with them. The elderly are such a great gift to us. Their wisdom and faith touches our lives and we are never the same. Many students said, they would like to go again. They reached out and God has blessed us all.
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He [Jesus] exhorts us to bend down before the wounds of the boy and the spirit of so many of our brothers and sisters that we encounter on the roads of the world; he helps us to understand that with the grace of God received and lived in daily life, the experience of illness and suffering can become a school of hope. -Pope Benedict XVI on 18th World Day of Sick
Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us. Our Lady of Good Help, pray for us.