Curious what Franciscan Novices do all day? Find here candid moments in the daily lives of Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity Novices who are in the initial stages of becoming consecrated women religious.
Follow specifically Directress Sister Natalie Binversie and Novices Sister Monica Martin, and soon to be professed Sister Pamela Catherine Peasel. Read captions by placing your curser over the images. Expect a lot of spontaniety in capturing these photos. There is just so much to share.
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The Novice, in an atmosphere of solitude and recollection, devotes herself to a greater personal response to Christ and to a deeper participation in His life. She studies the Rule, Constitutions and Directory of the Congregation, and learns its nature, purpose, spirituality and history. Through studying and practicing the evangelical counsels, living in community, and gaining helpful experiences according to her need, she becomes more fully acquainted with the essential requirements of her call to religious life and is tested in her resolve and fitness. She gradually prepares for the day when God will consecrate her to Himself within the Congregation. (Constitutions, Chapter VI, 49)
Is there anything we seem to have forgotten?