Sister Caritas Strodthoff APNP and Sister Anne Turba APNP planned the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity June 18, 2011 Community Health Workshop.
Our Community Constitutions read: “We strive to maintain good health and seek physical, spiritual and psychological help when needed.” Workshop opportunities like today’s sessions encourage positive personal growth.( Of course, a healthy lunch furnished additional time for good, supportive conversation.) Sister Patricia Linssen, Sister Caritas Strodthoff and Sister Anne Turba were the workshop planners.
Here’s a snapshot of the workshop:
- Spirituality of Change by Judy Turba, MSE
Walked away with inspiring quotes from saints, literature greats and spiritual authors and believable examples of wisdom from others who have lived through change. Received a worksheet with thoughtful questions to process significant changes occurring in one’s own life.
- Mt. 18:15-17 by Stacey Soeldner PsyD
Participated in an ‘upclose and personal look’ at how to resolve conflict by actually learning skills/plan for effective communication. (Dear Man!) Sisters even did some role playing of some pretty true to life situations!
- Strong Woman Exercise with Sister Sarah Bertler MSN RN
Experienced strengthening exercises. Some could be done while doing something else. (How convenient!)
- It it Dementia…or Just Forgetfulness by Dr. Cameron Goetz PhD
Received ‘Steps to Brain Fitness’ for homework. A case study was shared and the testing results studied to learn more about cognitive decline.
- Potpourri of Health Issues by Sister Caritas Strodthoff APNP and Sister Anne Turba APNP
Our own Sisters reported on the latest regarding vitamin D, Calcium supplements, whether to take medication on an empty stomach or with food, etc. (Sharing like this answered many a health concern while offering supportive encouragement in choosing a healthier life style!)
T.S. Eliot’s words used in the workshops’s keynote seem very appropriate to conclude this posting: “What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from.”