What does a Franciscan Community do to celebrate a feminine follower of St. Francis who is remembered for her ability to see Mass from the then new Basilica of St. Francis on the wall of her dormitory -at a time before the invention of television ( or streaming video or lcd projectors)? On this August 11, 2011 feast of St. Clare of Assisi (aka patron of good weather, embroiderers, eye disease, television, etc.) Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity announce a new blog Sierra Vista Sister-Franciscan that shares the new adventure of our latest place of ministry.

During this 800th Anniversary Year of St. Clare celebrating the beginning of her life as a follower of St. Francis of Assisi, Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity announce a new Sierra Vista Sister-Franciscan Blog that highlights the first adventures of our Sisters at Our Lady of the Mountains Parish, Sierra Vista, AZ.
Sister Carol Seidl is the Sierra Vista Sister-Franciscan Blogger who promises to update us on the experiences of the first Catholic Sisters in this humming bird capital of the world, part of the Catholic Diocese of Tucson, AZ. She and Sister Mary Gabriel Van Dreel arrived in later July at Our Lady of the Mountains Parish.
Expect an on-line journal noting people and happenings of this welcoming parish and All Saints Catholic School from the perspective of a Franciscan Sister who is out and about in the neighborhood and is school principal. Read on by clicking here.
View Sister Louise’s first impressions on facebook. Click here.
Franciscan Trivia
Question: What are the names of the other Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity blogs (not counting Sierra Vista Sister-Franciscan)?
Answer: Since you are reading this answer, you must be aware of Franciscanized World. Habitually Speaking and Franciscan Retreat are linked here for easy checkout. Thank you for visiting us!