Are Franciscan Sisters into D.I.Y. Craft Ideas

Paul Keggington

February 25, 2012

Yes, the Sisters enjoy many a ‘do it yourself ‘craft. If you love making things from fabric, yarn, beads, buttons, wire, thread, etc, the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity Motherhouse craft room is the place to be. Enthusiasm is contagious. Earlier in the fall, Sister Linda Brandes sent out an invitation welcoming anyone who wanted to come together one night a week. The response was more than anticipated. Every possible place at the large table and near by sewing machines are filled.

Sister Winifred Crevier, one of the faithful crafters, enjoys “just visiting and sharing laughter, stories and foibles of the day while crafting with NO TV. Activities include knitting, crocheting, cross stitch, scrubbies, plastic canvas, embroidering, sewing machine embroiderery and other sewing, like patchwork.”

Whatever the hands are busy with, everyone agrees the real fun comes from just being together and having some good ‘stitches of laughter’. Creative ideas also multiply when two or three or more Sisters get together in one place.

And here’s just a few crafters’ close-up photos with their totally awesome projects.


What creative crafts do you enjoy?

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