Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Community Director Sister Louise Hembrecht and Community Archivist Sister Caritas Strodthoff were invited for the 125th Jubilee Celebration of the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon March 23-25, 2012. Sister Caritas shares how the roots of the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon are intertwined historically with those of the Sisters of the Precious Blood of Dayton, OH, as well as our Community of Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity in Manitowoc, WI. This is for all who enjoy ‘making connections’. Follow the link and enjoy reading 4 pages of small snippets of information that makes for easy reading.
Last summer Sister Sarah Bertler visited the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon as a consultant. She was all excited on her return bringing us news that these Sisters were celebrating their 125th Anniversary in Spring…and our Community had connections with them. “HOW??” was the question generated. Amongst the treasures she brought back was a coloring book titled: “My Name is Emma.” The first picture showed an 8 year old Emma holding the hand of her beloved teacher, Sister Rosa Wahl. (Rosa was one of our foundresses!) And then we received an invite to come and celebrate with them….which we did last weekend. Thus the title for this article: CONNECTIONS!!
While in Oregon, this photo was taken. Sister Louise, our Community Director, and I prayed at the grave of Father Joseph Fessler, who helped found our Franciscan Community. Father died in Beaverton, OR on June 20, 1896. Sister Mary Wilhelmina (Emma Bleily) invited Father Joseph to be chaplain after visiting Manitowoc in 1888.
Click here to read much more about this rich historical Sisterly connections.