It is not every day that a summer annual picnic includes a Mass in the grandstand on the local baseball diamond. Knights of Columbus hosted such a community event in West Point, NE and Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity from our near by St. Mary’s Convent celebrated with the parishoners.
Ever since it’s founding the Knights of Columbus have always worked hard to encourage young men and women to consider God’s call to service in the priesthood or religious life. It was fitting at this Eucharist that St. Mary Pastor, Fr. Gerry Gonderinger, bestow a special blessing on home-town vocation Brother Leonard Reeson who celebrates 60 years as a Holy Cross missionary this year. Following liturgy, all continued the celebration with a picnic luncheon in God’s grand creation among sunny, blue skies.
As we anticipate the arrival of our postulants this coming weekend, we are grateful to all members of this fraternal benefit society for all their dedicated labors throughout the world on behalf of religious vocations!