Francis’ Month Free Song: Ahoulaguine Akaline from Wan Fambul/One Family

Paul Keggington

October 01, 2012

In this month of Francis, a man of peace, Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity feature Ahoulaguine Akaline from Wan Fambul/One Family (release: March 23, 2012; available for a donation via uniting the diverse voices of artists from conflict zones.

Francis’ praises to God who is gladness and joy, our hope, our justice seem to also find a home in this high-energy, urgent call for forgiveness and deep dialogue from edgy DJs and soulful singer-songwriters, from hard-hitting reggae outfits to transnational pop explorers. The groove-powered compilation features tracks by global music heavyweights Vieux Farka Toure, Idan Raichel, Vusi Mahlasela, and Dengue Fever.

About Catalyst for Peace

Catalyst for Peace, a U.S.-based international collaboratory, seeks out and supports grassroots peacebuilding that springs from local practices and culture: from the songs and tales, from the town meetings and ceremonies, from the liberating truth-telling, apology and forgiveness that end bloodshed, enmity, and endless cycles of bitterness.
“The lessons we are learning from Sierra Leone are universal lessons,” explains Libby Hoffman, founder and president of Catalyst for Peace. “The processes are applicable in other places and settings. What people in Sierra Leone are illustrating, artists in other communities—like the ones on Wan Fambul—are capturing and expressing in their own meaningful ways.”
Wan Fambul serves as a sonic companion and counterpoint to Catalyst’s Fambul Tok (see, a stirring documentary film and book on the groundbreaking work of Fambul Tok in Sierra Leone that brings former adversaries, perpetrators, and victims together for community discussions in a traditional setting.

To watch a trailer of this documentary, Click here.

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