Recently, Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity Community Director, Sister Louise Hembrecht, was invited for a day of important conversation with the Catholic Bishops of Wisconsin and other women religious congregational leaders regarding mutual concern and love for the people of God at large, but especially here in Wisconsin, and how best to serve.7 Bishops and 14 consecrated women religious superiors gathered at St. Francis Seminary in Milwaukee, WI for discussion and dinner.
As part of the day’s agenda, an opening and closing prayer focused on the lives of 4 saints. Archdiocese of Milwaukee Auxiliary Bishop Donald Hying reflected first on the relationship of St. Jane Frances de Chantal and St. Francis de Sales. Later, at Evening Prayer, our Sister Louise encouraged the importance of united witness in our Church as she commented on the lives of St. Francis of Assisi and St. Clare of Assisi. All you holy men and women, pray for us!
Click here to read more about the conversation.