How Franciscan Sisters Prepare for General Chapter

Paul Keggington

December 03, 2012

November 30 – December 3, 2012 Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity took a few more steps in preparation for our June 2013 General Chapter.  While all of us are praying for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, Sister Louise and her Council,  45 elected Delegates and 8 Alternates(Sisters who share  responsibilty for pre-Chapter preparations and if needed, fill a vacancy of one of the Delegates) are discussing important  input received from the entire Community at our July 2012 Quasi Chapter.  (See Quasi Chapter coverage.)

Sisters composed proposals (legislative, recommended or inspiriting actions) that will be distributed Community-wide in February. After reviewing this material, any Community member is  free to submit other matters for consideration until the General Chapter begins.

Community Director Sister Louise Hembrecht and her Council, as well as a Planning Committe of 5 Sisters are responsible for the necessary preparations and functioning of our General Chapter. Among other tasks, Planning Committee members Sister Mary Edith Schimpf, Sister Anne Marie Selinksi, Sister Camilla Wolfgram, Sister Myra Jean Sweigart and Sister Natalie Binversie, managed physical arrangements, led presentations, as well as helped assign committee work for the weekend.

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We invite you to pray our 2013 Chapter Prayer with us.

O Faithful and Loving God, may this Year of Faith and preparation of our Chapter be a time of grace and renewed commitment as we turn our hearts to You. May this be a time to strengthen our personal faith and communal dedication to Live the Gospel and Serve God’s People with joy. May your Spirit be our Guide. Fill us with your gifts of Wisdom, Understanding, Openness and Compassion as we discern Your Will in all that we think, say, and do. We ask this in Jesus’ Name. Amen.


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