As our Catholic Church celebrates Palm Sunday chanting ‘Hosanna to the Son of David’ with great energy and begins our walk through Holy Week, Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity highlight the passion of some of the 54 candidates recently confirmed by Archbishop George J. Lucas at St. Mary Church, West Point, NE. What did this this sacramental moment mean to these young disciples? Find comments from some of the young people, Religious Education Coordinator Sister Michael Ann O’Donnell and Pastor, Father Gerald Gonderinger in this Year of Faith.
Evan: “ I enjoyed doing research on the name I chose for Confirmation who is St. Francis. I chose that name because that is my Dad’s Confirmation name also. I was fascinated with St. Francis’ life especially his love for the animals and all God’s creatures.”
Tessa: “I chose St. Ann because it’s my sponsor’s name. St. Ann was very caring and patient to people and I can try to imitate her.”
Damien: ” When Archbishop George Lucas called us each by name and looked right into our face and that was a special moment for me. After the ceremony I got to personally talk to the Archbishop. I will always remember those moments.”
Kiley: “I feel closer to God and I feel more part of the Catholic Church. I liked the Archbishop’s talk.”
Mitchell: “I’m becoming more active in my faith. I can use the Gifts of the Holy Spirit more in my life.”
And here’s some wisdom from West Point church leaders:
Sister Michael Ann O’Donnell, Coordinator of Religious Education: “In the First Reading of Daniel 3:14ff the three men, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, who were thrown into a hot furnace for refusing to worship a false god really shows what courage and conviction born of faith in the true God can lead. May we, too, be ready to stand up for our faith.”
Father Gerald Gonderinger: Archbishop George Lucas challenged the Confirmation students when he said: “Do you suppose 60 years ago when Pope Francis was confirmed he ever thought of being POPE? So, where will your Confirmation gifts of the Holy Spirit take each of you and HOW will you make use of these gifts in your life.”