For our special April AdJUSTment feature Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Sister Kathleen Murphy offers Saint Julie Billiart as a model of social justice.
A model for our consideration this month is Saint Julie Billiart. Her active practice of the faith began at the tender age of seven when she began teaching the catechism to other children.
Not surprisingly, Julie discerned the call to religious life. Soon after taking her vows, she was struck with a mysterious malady which left her paralyzed. However, her spirit was far from immobile and she boldly worked to spread the Faith and protect the weak even from her bed and wheelchair. She undertook the formation of a new community dedicated to teaching the Faith.
After 22 years as an invalid, she was suddenly and miraculously cured of her paralysis. Her renewed strength was selflessly poured into the ever growing work of spreading the Faith especially through the ministry of catechesis. St. Julie’s life was marked by a joy found in teaching the wonders of our faith.
Consider: Did I teach the Faith today from the text of my actions, attitudes, and acquaintance with the Lord Jesus? Did my face and footsteps bring joy?
Pray: Divine Teacher, enlighten us with the words and lessons that our world and its communities most need to hear.