How well we age depends a lot on our attitude toward aging. We need an attitude adjustment. Put on your Jesus Glasses!
Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Sister Mary Bodwin comments on a recent day of reflection at Holy Family Convent and St. Francis Convent, Manitowoc, WI entitled ‘Ageless in the Lord’. Mary Hague, Kaukauna, WI certified in spiritual gerontology, and who served 20 years as Wellness Co-ordinator for the Capuchin Franciscan Province of St. Joseph, examined the challenges of aging and retirement as paths to spiritual growth and maturity.
A number of sisters from ages 75-87 spent an enjoyable day with Mary Hague. Her theme was three fold, Challenges, Spiritual Vitality and Community.
She emphasized the importance of growing old gracefully, by being willing to accept our true selves with all our physical limitations and to retain a sense of humor. To accomplish these goals, we must open new doors and become channels of Divine blessings.
Mary had a simple and humble way of presenting these ideas. Her ready wit and life experiences made it a very interesting.
It was time well spent.
“People who appear ageless can be said to have spiritual luster. They are living a virtuous God-centered life and not out of their shadows and compulsions.”