On the vigil of St. Bonaventure, July14, 2013, Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity welcomed young women desiring to discern God’s call at our Motherhouse in Manitowoc, WI. This was another Year of Faith event keeping alive Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis’ invitation to renewed conversion and entering into a deeper relationship with Him. Are you curious as to what was helpful in this particular Vocation Discernment Retreat?
The young women answered this way:
- The opportunity to talk and have meals with different Sisters.
- Hearing the discernment stories of other Sisters helps me in my own discernment.
- Time for personal prayer
- Reading the Bible
- Time with Sisters
- Game time
- Renewing Baptismal promises
Retreatants also had the opportunity to join some of the Sisters in moments of a silent retreat. Father Brian Walker, O.P.’s conferences provided additional direction in leading a virtuous life. He incorporated African American spirituals and their place in our society no matter what our background.