Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity Archivist Sister Caritas Strodthoff recently sent an invitation to all Community members to view our own collection of postcards displayed in our Manitowoc, WI, Motherhouse Heritage Room.
Postcards brought foreign countries, historic places, tourist attractions into everyone’s lives. You could travel to deepest Africa without leaving your home. Some cards date back to 1903. Those with messages to Mother Superiors, to Sisters about mission happenings, etc. were all saved along with those from any place the community had missions.
Postcards from Rome, Assisi, the Holy Land, Pilgrimage sites have been put aside for a future archival display. Postcards of present missions or places where we have catechized in the past are always welcome. It’s amazing how they change over time. Some day, hopefully, the collection will include cards from every place we’ve been. Maybe you have a card that we’re missing…..
Postcards have been arranged according to State. A list is available of all the places we have served since 1869. Feel free to look at the cards. Pick them up and read the messages on the front and/or back of the card. Look at where they were mailed from…who sent the card…who received it. Look at the name as signed by the person sending the card. There is also a selection of very UNIQUE cards: painted cards from Japan, embroidered cards, cards with feathers…very beautiful. ENJOY the display!!