Aware that the Jesus’ message of love and peace is urgently needed in our world, Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity reflect on the Sunday Gospel and share about its application in our lives. Here we highlight one of Sister Martinella Janz’ poems inspired by one of the Scripture texts that gave St. Francis direction for his life.
Carry the Cross
Carry the cross
of your nature
your very essence
Carry it with pride
Be highly pleased and rejoice
of whose you are and
of what God
has blessed you with.
Of your person
In your sufferings,
The mistakes made,
The regrets voiced, and
The failure to understand
About what to say or do.
Do it all with gratitude
Being satisfied
With who you are,
A beautiful creation of God.
Carry the cross
Of your mission in life
Each of us has been sent
For a particular, special task to do.
No one is equipped
With a cross like ours.
Therefore, it’s uniquely ours alone.
If we neglect to do this.
The task will never be done, and
God’s favors in us-unfulfilled.
So carry your cross.
Learn from the Master,
By following Him.