Franciscans Present for Public Square Rosary Rally

Paul Keggington

October 25, 2013

Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Sister Sharon Paul reports on an important October Respect for Life Rally in Cambridge, OH.

October while being the month of St. Francis, is also a month chosen for special focus on ‘respecting life’. (The Poverello would be all in agreement for this emphasis!) A 2013 Public Square Rosary Rally was held at the Cambridge, Ohio Court House on a recent Saturday to pray for peace and support of life in all stages.Cambridge-OH-Courthouse

Christ Our Light Parish priests, Father Bob Borer and Father Paul Hrezo were present with other parish members carrying banners, and of course praying the rosary. Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity were part of the Catholic Community.Courthouse-Cambridge-OH-Prayer-for-conversion


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