Continuing to be mindful of the daily Eucharistic readings, Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Sister Martinella Janz shares a Gospel reflection on Lk 17:5-10.
Wherever I go.
Whatever I do.
I let others witness
What I believe in.
Just being who I am
Gives me any opportunities
In using my inheritance
The gifts of my Father,
To do more, to get my hands
Dirty, worn and calloused,
But also to be more gentle,
Compassionate, humane, supportive,
Uncomplaining and appreciative
Than what is expected of me.
I have value and responsibilities.
I am sacred to the Lord,
Building up what is broken,
Strengthening that which is weak,
Addressing the wrongs and
Speaking encouragement to the fearful.
To be for those I meet-
The Father’s Son.