Diocese of Green Bay Young Adult Ministries Discipleship & Formation Coordinator Phil Lawson introduced ENCOUNTER on January 11, 2014 at Prince of Peace Parish, Green Bay, WI, with this quote from Pope Francis:
“I invite all Christians, everywhere, at this very moment, to a renewed personal encounter with Jesus Christ, or at least an openness to letting him encounter them…” –Pope Francis
Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity were there on Saturday evening with young adults, an experienced prayer team, additional priests (yes, given weekend responsibilities, to have more than one priest was a precious gift), Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Cross, parents, and others who traveled on clear winter main roads from Green Bay and areas outside the city limits. (It was slow moving in the icy parking lots.)
Diocesan Vocation Director Father Daniel Schuster’s heart-felt reflection added prayerful momentum to Eucharistic Adoration, Praise & Worship Music, Reconciliation, and fellowship. It was an evening steeped with candle-lit Eucharistic inspiration.
Of course, one must mention music. John LaRoche and his Praise & Worship band not only know how to select songs with meaningful lyrics and a combination of more traditional Christian music with newer radio tunes, but they also pray/play with reverent pauses.
Next ENCOUNTER is at St. Peter the Fisherman, Two Rivers, WI. Expect many more people. You will want to join us.