Franciscan Sister Receives Ministry Award at Leadership Enrichment Program.

Paul Keggington

June 25, 2014

Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Sister Martin Flavin announces that Sister Patricia Linssen has received a special Franciscan Ministry Award.

More than 50 leaders from throughout the FSCCM system gathered May 12-13 in West Point, Nebraska, to learn about and discuss leadership styles of Saints Francis and Clare, network with colleagues, and get a closer look at the community and Franciscan Care Services, the host for the Leadership Enrichment Program.

Franciscan Sister Patricia LinssenThe Franciscan Ministry Award, a system-wide recognition that honors a senior-level employee for loyalty, dedication and commitment to our health care or educational ministries, is traditionally bestowed at the LEP.

This year, Sister Natalie Binversie, Community Director, found it her “honor and duty . . . to award this year’s Franciscan Ministry Award to an employee of our Sponsored Ministries who models the mission of the System and of their particular organization in an exemplary manner. This award is meant to identify and honor those who have mastered the art of integration of our Franciscan mission, vision and values into the daily efforts in the ministry and in their own lives.

[This year’s recipient once] “again took up the mantle of leadership as she was called to service as Vice President of Mission for the System. For the past 13 years she has become an invaluable leader and mentor to a generation of mission leaders and Pastoral Care associates by supporting them and assisting them in the delivery of care that reflects the healing ministry of Jesus Christ. She has also taken on many varied and challenging areas of ministry that relate to mission. Quality and compliance are just a couple of areas that she has embraced because someone needed to do it. Finally, she has called us to broader involvement in global services in international health. To her we owe our commitment to the rebuilding of Haiti as a partner with the Catholic Hospital Association.

“A hard worker our leader is also a competitive person who enjoys cards and sports. Her beloved Green Bay Packers fill her off time with interest and support despite the season. Mostly, however, our recipient loves life and the people about her. She has served with compassion, excellence and dedication. This spring she received the call from the Congregation to once again serve her Sisters in a leadership position. We have learned much from her consistent, compassionate commitment to our sponsored ministries. She will be missed.”


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