After an opening prayer of the ‘Our Father’, Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity’s July 11 2014 evening social justice gathering ‘Justice Matters’ began with creating a recipe. Recipe cards, pens, and 36 words associated with social justice (e.g. economics, relationships, government, service) were distributed and all were asked to chose the words provided or add their own and include amounts. The Holy Family Convent cafeteria included thoughtful pauses and animated conversation. (Watch for comments that reveal table creations.)
Next, Liam Lawton, Tony Alonso with Chris Silva’s I Am Standing Waiting from Castle of the Soul Songs of Contemplation and Consolation was played with PowerPoint slides depicting our own Sisters living the Gospel in the past and present. During an instrumental interlude of the song, this question was offered for pondering:
What Gospel passage speaks of social justice most clearly to you? Give some examples of you or your Sisters in Community witnessing in your daily lives.
The sharing was powerful. Like St. Francis, we continue to ask Christ to teach us what is ours to do.