Franciscans unite in many places. Why not a Catholic High School? On the invitation of Kurt Keidl OFS, Theology teacher at St. Anthony High School, Milwaukee, WI, Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity and Conventual Franciscan Friar of St. Bonaventure Province Father Paul Schneider presented together on the influence of St. Francis of Assisi in his time.
We did not stop with just events from the poor man of Assisi’s life. We continued the story by sharing how our Communities live Jesus’ Gospel vision today. Students heard accounts of real people taking steps to give one’s life to God. It was a reminder that it takes constant listening to the Holy Spirit as individuals and as communities of brothers and sisters so that the message of Jesus is preached with clarity and faithfulness.
We were blessed to meet @60 seniors in their Christian lifestyles class. It was clear to us as visitors, that the daily witness of a ‘Franciscan’ teacher makes a difference in the lives of these students.