Franciscan Sisters Serve on Catholic School Vocation Panel

February 22, 2015

Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Sister Carmen Marie Diaz shares about a recent Vocation Panel at Roncalli High School, Manitowoc, WI.

The Roncalli experience began with a warm welcome by the moderator, Sue Sevcik,  followed by each of the panelists, Bishop Robert Morneau, Sr. Anne Marie Lom, Deacon Paul Gleichner and Sr. Carmen Marie Diaz, offering a brief description of who they are and what they are doing. Sue had requested that students turn in questions that they wanted to ask the panelist. The questions were well thought out and gave each of us an opportunity to speak from our own experiences from our different views as a Priest, Sister and Deacon.

The panelists all had some sort of tie with Roncalli unbeknownst to the panelists and most of our audience. Bishop Morenau was part of Silver Lake College and would come out to play basketball with the Christian Brothers who had just started Roncalli. Sister Anne Marie had taught at Roncalli for 14 years. Deacon Paul had also taught at Roncalli and Sr. Carmen Marie did her student teaching observation in Math with Nancy Tomashewski and Pat Miske at Roncalli.

The sharing by the panelist and the student questions helped to make for an easy and fun interchange. There were serious and thoughtful responses as well as laughter and a true sense of community.

Thank you Roncalli for sharing your Spirit!


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