Franciscan Sister Leonette Kochan comments on a recent Diocese of Tucson Co-Workers Conference.
We are all coming down from a high after the Co-Workers in the Vineyard Conference last weekend. It was wonderful. And we, the Franciscans, are very proud of our community’s role in helping to sponsor and for our Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity booth hosted at the conference. Sister Mary Ann did a great job in designing our booth, our ad was prominent in the program book, and our logo was both posted outside the sessions we sponsored and in the book beside those sessions.
Bishop Kicanas’ response to the event:
“Last weekend, our diocese celebrated its Co-Workers in the Vineyard Conference, with the theme “We are a people of Faith, Hope and Charity”. It was an amazing, uplifting experience of workshops and messages to renew and inspire us in the love of God . Everywhere I went I saw Catholics from all around our Diocese learning together, praying together, laughing together and enjoying one another’s company.
What a great conference!
I am so proud of the work done by the conference planning committee- it was no small task creating the beautiful conference – by the Pastoral Center staff, by all the amazing volunteers and by all those that attended the conference. About 2000 people from across our diocese attended the event beginning Thursday evening and concluding Saturday afternoon.
From Dr. Carolyn Woo, “Your diocese should write a manual on how to put on conferences because this one is exceptional”
True to form, our Bishop was outstanding as lead keynote speaker at the opening on Thursday. Both Fr. Robert Barron and Dr. Carolyn Woo, the other two keynoters, quoted him frequently.