Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Sister Marsaia Kastner introduces 13 Franciscan stations, as invitation to spiritually walk with St. Francis of Assisi in the coming months.
Introduction to 13 Stations: Spiritual Walk with St. Francis by Sister Marsaia Kastner
St. Francis (1182-1226) lived in northern Italy. To many he is the saint most connected with love of nature.
Francis is far more than that. He is not a saint for the faint of heart.
Francis was on fire with love for God: God, who in Jesus, led Francis on a journey from a prideful life of frivolity,
pleasure and power-seeking to become a humble, poor man of peace, understanding and compassion for all.
Francis became an “instrument” of Gospel reconciliation, reverence and renewal within the Church and the culture.
In the next months we will highlight one of the stations and consider some of the teachings of Francis that speak so powerfully to us today. Watch for our monthly feature.