On October 9, 2015, Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity were present for the 156th anniversary of the Blessed Mother’s appearance to Sister Adele Joseph Brise at the Shrine Our Lady of Good Help in Champion. In fact, as of August one of our Sisters is at the shrine Monday through Friday, eight hours a day!
Sister Mardelle Meinholz is found wherever the pilgrims gather. When the crowds are smaller, she likes to keep a clipper near by to keep the bushes manicured while waiting for new encounters near the front entrance of the shrine or chapel. It is not unusual for her to meet new acquaintances from countries like Indonesia or receive on-line messages of appreciation from previous travelers from Illinois. Indeed, she has met young adults discerning their vocations, parents praying for their children and others working through grief of a loved one. She witnesses fervent prayer for all kinds of help and healing.
Along with hospitality, telling the story of the Sister Adele Joseph Brise is Sister Mardelle’s primary mission. She feels blessed to be chosen for this awesome responsibility. Click here to find out more about the Shrine Our Lady of Good Help.